H2mex How make hydrogen & technology


Technical tips for comparisons of Hydrogen Sources

The metric that you have to consider for comparing the hydrogen output of the various products on the internet is ml/min ( mililliters per minute ) for gas generators and ppm ( parts per mil ) or mg/L ( miligram per Liter ) for water products.

Watch out for the hydrogen volume and cost that other inhalation generators advertise.

  • The H2 Electrolyzer Gas Generator:
    • H2mex HydroGen2 up to 700 ml/min
      440 ml H2 / min + 220 ml O2 / min. The best hydrogen generator.
  • The steam-distilled and de-mineralized water source for the generator above:

    Automotive lead acid batteries need pure, mineral-free water, otherwise it would destroy them. So that's a good reason why battery water is a safe bet for really pure water. Any big distributor of automotive parts or repair shop should have a way to sell you "battery water".

  • Try Hydrogen yourself in Cancún:
    • Call me at 998 842 0308 to get a liter of hydrogen water. You can try also inhalation

PEM or mixed gas alkaline electrolyzer?

The difference between the two generator types is that mixed gas is composed of 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, the PEM machines make only hydrogen because they generally discard the oxygen.

Any PEM gas generator will decrease in output over their live span. After that, only a replacement of the expensive PEM membrane will suffice. Disassembling and reassembling the generator is a challenging job. Leaks, seals are old, corrosion. Returning to manufacturer for repair is time consuming and expensive.

The HydroGen alkaline electrolyzer series have a lifespan of 5+ years and we expect lots of them to reach an End of Life of 10+ years. Cleaning the reactor chamber and replacing the electrolyte is all that is required in the yearly maintenance. Anything goes wrong, contact us. We have all materials, adapters and electronics for fast replacement.

We chose alkaline water electrolysis over all other methods because of the following reasons:

  • Cheaper catalysts compared to the platinum metal group based catalysts used for PEM water electrolysis.
  • Higher durability due to an exchangeable electrolyte and lower dissolution of anodic catalyst.
  • Higher gas purities due to lower gas diffusivity in alkaline electrolyte.
  • All application methods are available.

Source Wikipedia [Link].

As a result we sell the longest lasting Hydrogen generators.

Alkaline generators are producing much higher volumes of hydrogen while having a lower cost. Seeing the huge number of testimonials we collected, we suspect that alkaline generators are also more capable because of the additional oxygen, but that has to be investigated further.

In any case, if you are the owner of a gas generator, you can SPLURGE with abundant Hydrogen and help others around you. It's fun to help: Give them their daily hydrogen water for a week and experience their reactions.

No followup costs except electricity and the distilled water.

Negative charged nano bubbles & Structured Water

author: Jason Verbelli - Fantastic Properties of Nano-Bubbles

"Perhaps the claims of so called Structured Water has more to do with ion exchange of nano bubbles and electrolytes more so than making chain links of water molecules?

Nanobubbles are negatively charged. More nanobubbles, more negative charge, thereby giving the illusion of "negatively charged water".

It's not the water that is negatively charged persay, but rather the bubbles IN the water. Which is why skeptics rightfully say "hexagonal water" is esoteric. Yet at the same time which is why proponents of "structured water" are correct when they say there are some properties about the water that is different and beneficial. There is a negative charge present. But perhaps only around the boundary of each nano bubble? And a saturated media of nano-bubbles would pretty much make for" negatively charged water." Or rather, negatively charged nanobubble water.

Whatever the molecular orientation of the H20 molecules is... whether the bonds are spinning in the same direction or not, whether there are hydrogen ions present, if there is "hexagonal water" or whatever. Doesn't matter.

What if everyone is trying to articulate the Effects of nano-bubble water.. but since no one can see the nano bubbles.. they all assume different models and claims to explain why plants grow so well.

Because regardless of whatever the claims are for the make up of so called "structured water"... it ABSOLUTELY makes plants grow like crazy. Plants don't lie. Don't need any words or opinions or bias. Pour hydrogen or nano bubble water on some plants and see what happens. Their growth or lack thereof will say it all."

Link to full nano bubble article


Hydrogen Spectra

Hydrogen Spectral lines

There is no free molecular hydrogen on this planet. Well, to be exact, the level is very low ( 0.000055% v/v ).

Hydrogen dissipates through bottles, bodies, rooms and buildings into the atmosphere and into outer space.

Hydrogen has an intriguing history. It is the father of all elements of the universe, and along with oxygen, it has been intrinsically involved with evolution of life in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes ( e.g. hydrogenases, hydrogosomes, mitochondria, etc.). It is the extremes of oxygen and hydrogen that provide balance between oxidation and reduction, which is vital to life.

Not surprisingly, this intimate relationship of oxygen and hydrogen has remained with higher organisms including plants, animals, and humans. However, until recently, research has only focused on the importance and toxicity of oxygen dismissing the role of hydrogen altogether, which negates the toxicity of oxygen; focusing only on one side of this Yin and Yang type relationship.

In Space molecular hydrogen is found primarily in molecular clouds. These are interstellar gas clouds, which have been found to trace the spiral arms in the disks of spiral galaxies, and contain the material out of which new stars are born. In other words, molecular hydrogen is a vital ingredient in active star formation.

How to build your own Generator


For the technicians among us, a hydrogen generator can be build on a weekend.

A HHO system has a tank for the electrolyte. The tank is on top of everything and has two hoses at the bottom of the tank to the HHO cell and a third hose on top of the tank to extract the gas. The gas is then send through two oxygen purifiers to remove any passover electrolyte and to cool the Hydrogen gas. For maintenance convenience I always add a drainage valve at the bottom of the system.


My first generator is called by everyone "The Monster".

It still produces a lot of hydrogen and it is used daily by a friend. It does not have a casing but it is illuminated and shows all the guts.
There are two self-made purifiers visible on top, below the bottle with the drinking water being bubbled up.
On the left a modified computer power supply and below all, the big HHO cell.
All connected with transparent hoses and hose clamps at the ends to prevent the pressure to cause leaks.


This is LEGO 1, a study how economical this machines can be produced.

The most economic way to make a container is to use the black fruit crates from the supermarket. Cut out a hole in the crate for the tank lid. Use plastic straps to mount tank, cell and power supply on the inside. Two self-made purifiers on the bottom, the dryer in the back. The cell is not visible behind the right bubbler. Use a second crate to make the door and use furniture door hinges and magnetic cabinet closures. You can see the LED power supply on the right next to the illuminated tank.
Total cost is around usd $450. A good non-metallic casing will add several hundred dollars to the price of a generator.

The elements can be bought online. The materials in your local hardware store.

One has to order a HHO kit, a LED power-supply with 30A, two oxygen humidifiers, 500g NaOH electrolyte, a couple of aquarium bubble stones, a couple of hose clamps and Water-Weld, a 2 component plastic filler glue.

Once all is connected, mix 1 liter of distilled water with 50 g NaOH, stirr and fill the tank. From that moment on you only have replenish the used water. The electrolyte is a catalyst and stays in the tank for the lifetime.

The challenge is building a nice enclosure and keep the system leak proof. Acrylic and plastic solutions are preferable to metal encasing. A good looking non-metallic casing will add several hundred dollars to the tab.

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With stainless steel electrodes, it does not matter how a hydrogen generator is built and how it looks, any design using steam-distilled and de-ionized water as source will produce pure hydrogen and oxygen,.

Contact me if you want to build your own generator. I gladly assist.

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